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  • Writer's pictureBoban Nišavić

A Leader to Follow on LinkedIn - Nicholas Chapoupis on his Making Outbound Work without Being Spammy

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

If you want to know and learn how to avoid being spammy when you send your Cold Emails, reading Nikolas's post will definitely help you :)

"🕸️ Cold Outreach: Making outbound work for SaaS in 2022

🔍 Problem: With Paid-Channels becoming more expensive & saturated, SaaS companies are moving into PLG, Content Marketing, and SEO.

All of these channels are amazing long-term flywheels but take at least 6-9 months to pick up steam.

💡 Solution

Making cold-outreach work in 2022 without being spammy and hurting your brand.

🏁 Micro Case-Study:

LeadFuze - Used cold email to grow to $30k MRR in 12 Months!

​This was their outbound strategy:

They crafted high-quality cold emails with their QVC Formula.


Lead with a question relating to your business. The first line is critical; it's the sentence that'll show up as a preview in their inbox. Questions generate curiosity.

Value Prop:

Cut to the core of your message quickly and show what makes you unique and how they can benefit from it.


Instead of the generic '.Looking forward to a positive response..' closing statement, ask to schedule a call or ask a question to get a specific response.

🔑 Key Lessons

#1: Personalization is the secret to better response rates.

And it goes beyond simply stating their names as a “Dear [FirstName]”.

#2: Go Multi-Channel

Reaching your prospect across multiple channels keeps you top of mind and warms you up to them.

Just like Agisko did, when you follow up or reach out on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter, you build trust, making them more open to responding to you.

#3: Follow Up

Also, don’t be afraid and only write one email.

Sometimes people don’t reply because they were busy, not because they weren’t interested. Most cold campaigns actually get their responses in the 3rd and 4th email.

🚧 Traps to watch out for

#1: The Spam-inator

Don’t send out cold emails with your primary domain.

There is always the risk of getting flagged as spam and you want to protect your primary domain from that risk at all costs.

Get a secondary domain and ‘warm it up' first using an email warm-up tool.

#2: Avoid Clickbait - Don't destroy your brand

Sure, we want to increase open rates, but we can't lose sight of the goal: Initiating a relationship"

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