"The easiest way to be seen as a spammer ↓
Not mentioning your prospect's company name correctly.
"Hey, how are things going at Google® llc.?" ❌❌❌
The problem?
Too many people are still doing this.
Because when scraping data, the {companyName} may include:
・legal entity abbreviations - LLC, Inc., Pvt Ltd…
・emojis and special characters
・unnecessary context - "we are hiring 🚀"…
Here’s how you can fix it before importing to your prospecting tool:
STEP 1: Go to Google Sheet and add your list
STEP 2: Use the following formula:
=trim(regexreplace(regexreplace(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(split(split(split(split(SPLIT( {companyName}," | ",false,)," (",false,)," - ",false,),": ",false,),", ",false,),"\.(\s|$)"," "),"(?i)\sINC(\s|$)|\sLLC(\s|$)|\sLLP(\s|$)|\sINCORPORATED(\s|$)|LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY|ltd|\sCORP(\s|$)"," "),"[^A-Za-zÀ-ÖØ-öø-ÿ;\s;-;0-9;’;\.;\-;\+;\!;\?;\']",""),"(?i)\sPVT(\s|$)|\sPTY(\s|$)"," "))
STEP 3: Replace {companyName} with the cell you need to normalize
STEP 4: Drag the formula down
…and enjoy a much cleaner list!
Thanks Victor for the post idea 💡"