If you're feeling tired and sick of searching for a "right formula" in writing your cold emails, in Stef Curcio's post you'll find a great Cold Email Framework:
"Worried your cold emails are not on point?
Use this framework:
1) Use less than 120 words
Ideally 80/100
2) Avoid links
You can test 1 in the signature with no CTA
3) Remove the words "I" and "we"
Use "you"
4) Use a signature.
Stef Curcio
Agency owner@company
5) Have a clear and simple CTA."
Here's how it looks the template: "Hi Stef,
working with [company 1] and [company2] we noticed that by optimizing their lead generation process, they could increase their revenue by 20% within 90 days.
Would it make sense to you to have a chat to see if you can also apply this to maximize your revenue next year?
Agency owner@X"