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New Leader to Follow on LinkedIn - Jalen Nelson on his Testing and Refining Your Cold Email Approach

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

Jalen, Our New Leader to Follow on LinkedIn, is sharing with us some great content on his Testing and Refining Your Cold Email Approach!

"Testing and refining your approach is a critical step in a successful cold email campaign. It allows you to identify what resonates with your target audience and optimize your strategy accordingly. This guide will walk you through the process, complete with different testing methods, key considerations, and examples.

Step 1: Choose Your Testing Method

There are several methods you can use to test your cold emails:

  1. A/B Testing: This involves creating two versions of your email with one key difference (e.g., the subject line or call to action) and sending each version to a different segment of your audience to see which performs better.

  2. Multivariate Testing: This is similar to A/B testing but involves changing multiple elements at once. This can give you more nuanced insights but requires a larger audience to be effective.

Step 2: Decide What to Test

Next, decide what elements of your email you want to test. This could include:

  1. Subject Line: This is the first thing your recipient sees, so it can have a big impact on your open rates.

  2. Email Length: The ideal length for a cold email is typically between 50 and 125 words, but this can vary depending on your audience and message.

  3. Call to Action: This is what you want your recipient to do after reading your email. It should be clear, compelling, and easy to act on.

  4. Messaging: This includes the tone, language, and content of your email.

Step 3: Conduct the Test

Send your test emails to a segment of your audience and track the results. Most email marketing tools have built-in features for conducting A/B or multivariate tests.

Step 4: Analyze the Results

Once you've conducted your test, analyze the results. Look at metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to see which version of your email performed better.

Step 5: Refine Your Approach

Based on your results, refine your approach. If one subject line resulted in a higher open rate, use similar phrasing in future emails. If a shorter email resulted in more conversions, aim to keep your emails concise.

Step 6: Avoid Certain Words and Phrases

Certain words and phrases can trigger spam filters or turn off recipients. Avoid phrases like "buy now" or "free gift", and be cautious with words like "guarantee", "risk-free", or "no obligation".

Examples of Tests:

  1. Subject Line Test: You could test a straightforward subject line like "Improve Your Email Marketing Strategy" against a more curiosity-inducing subject line like "The Secret to Boosting Your Email Open Rates".

  2. Call to Action Test: You could test a more generic call to action like "Learn More" against a more specific and action-oriented call to action like "Schedule a Demo Today".

Remember, the key to a successful cold email campaign is continuous testing and refinement. By following these steps, you can optimize your cold emailing strategy and improve your results."

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