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  • Writer's pictureBoban Nišavić

Our New Leader to Follow on LinkedIn - Alex Baldovin on his Analyzing Own Email Framework

Updated: May 4, 2023

"This email got me: 70% open rate, 45% reply rate, and a 20% positive reply.

Here’s why:

Subject line:

Short and intentionally boring. I’m a fan of using their name if not done in a cringy way (i.e. “quick question Alex”)

1st line:

It clearly states ONE problem. A lot of emails get this part wrong. Either the problem isn’t clear, it’s not relevant, or they mention too many problems.

2nd line:

Clearly states the impact of that problem with relevant metrics to back it up (this is how you use metrics the right way - with context!).

3rd line:

States the benefits, Like a TLDR.


It’s clear, short, interest-based (i.e. not asking for time), and it’s at the end of the email! Too often CTAs are buried.

Two takeaways from this email:

#1 - This is PROOF that if you’re targeting is done right, personalization isn’t always necessary. I'm can send this to 100000s leaders.

I don’t care because it’s relevant.

#2 - it follows a simple framework: problem, the impact of that problem, their solution to that problem, and call to action."

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